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What is a merge tag and how to use it?


Last updated on Sep 05, 2023

Have you ever received an email that seemed like it was written just for you?

It might have addressed you by your first name or mentioned something specific to your interests.

That's the magic of merge tags!

In this article, we'll break down what merge tags are and how you can use them in Mystrika to send personalized and engaging cold emails.

What Are Merge Tags?

Merge tags are like placeholders or variables in your email campaigns. They represent contact data from your CSV file, such as First Name, Last Name, Company, and more.

When you use merge tags in your email, Mystrika automatically replaces them with the corresponding information for each contact, making your emails feel personalized.

Why Use Merge Tags?

Personalization is key to improving your email open rates and engagement. According to studies, personalized emails can boost open rates by up to 33%.

With merge tags, you can tailor your email content to each recipient, increasing the chances of them reading and responding to your cold emails.

How to Create custom Merge Tags in Mystrika?

Any column present in your prospect's csv file, automatically becomes a dynamic variable that can be used as Merge Tag in your campaign emails.

Eg, if your prospect's file contains a column name "personalized_line" (excluding quotes), you can use the Merge tag {{personalized_line}} anywhere in your email (in campaigns) within Mystrika. Mystrika will automatically replace the placeholder {{personalized_line}} with the value for that prospect.

How to Use Merge Tags in Mystrika

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to insert merge tags into your email campaigns:

  1. Log into your Mystrika account: Start by logging into your Mystrika account and navigate to the Campaigns tab.

  2. Create a New Campaign: Click the "New campaign" button to create a new email campaign. This will open a new campaign tab where you can set up your campaign.

  3. Upload Your Prospect List: To use merge tags, you'll need a list of prospects/leads in the form of a CSV file. Feel free to include any custom column (ensure column names are in lowercase and have no spaces). Click the "Choose File" button to upload your CSV file containing the contact information.

  4. Access Merge Tags: After uploading your CSV file, you'll see a set of merge tags next to the compose box. These merge tags correspond to the column headers in your CSV file. If you have provided the default fullname column, Mystrika will automatically populate default tags like {{fname}}, {{mname}}, {{lname}} to be used anywhere.

  5. Compose Your Email: Now, it's time to draft your email. You can insert merge tags anywhere in the email body or subject line by simply typing desired merge tag.

    For instance, if you want to address recipients by their first name, use the "{{fname}}" merge tag where you want it to appear in the email.

That's it! Mystrika will automatically replace the merge tags with the appropriate information when sending the email to each recipient. This way, you can send personalized cold emails at scale.

In summary, merge tags in Mystrika are a powerful tool for personalizing your email campaigns. By using them effectively, you can boost engagement, improve open rates, and increase the chances of getting responses from your cold email recipients. So, go ahead and give merge tags a try in your next campaign to see the difference they can make!