Home / Creating Cold Email Campaigns

Adding Leads To A Campaign


Last updated on Aug 03, 2023

Leads / Prospects are the email addresses to which you are going to pitch your product or service.

Remember the goal of Cold Email is to take Lead / Prospect through the journey to get them ready.

Think about Dating, would you ask someone to Marry you on first date? Exactly like that.

There are two ways to add leads to a Mystrika Campaign

  1. Manual Entry - You can create a Lead / Prospect Entry using our UI.

  2. Bulk Entry - This has to be done by CSV file.

Please note : It's very important to stick to the format of CSV file and Sample CSV is provided.

If you have never created a CSV file. Please follow .

Custom / Dynamic Variables :

If you want to have dynamic variables like {{company}}, {{company_url}}, {{personalized_line}}, or even {{personalized_image_link}}.

Just ensure those columns are present in your CSV file, when you upload them.

Please make sure, all your "column names" are in Lowercase, and Column Names must not contain any space.

So, if you upload a CSV file with Column name "company", you can use it within email (subject or body) as variable {{company}}

Default Value :

If any variable is not present, you can default them with a default value.


{{RANDOM|Hi|Hey|Greetings}} {{fname|default('There')}}

Will result in one of the following value (assuming prospect is called Joe or doesn't have a value for name).

Hi Joe

Hi There

Hey Joe

Hey There

Greetings Joe

Greetings There