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Scrape Crunchbase Effortlessly


Last updated on Jul 20, 2023

Learn how to use Dataminer's powerful extension to quickly extract company data from Crunchbase and supercharge your lead generation efforts.

To get started, ensure you have a Crunchbase account (7 days free plan) and the free Dataminer extension.

Additionally, you may need enrichment tools like Apollo or Findymail to extract leads from company data.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Log in to Crunchbase and conduct a company search.

  2. Activate the Dataminer extension on the search page.

  3. Choose an existing Recipe or create a new one to customize your data extraction.

  4. Map the rows and columns containing the data you want to export using Dataminer's user-friendly interface.

  5. Set up pagination to scrape multiple pages of results efficiently.

  6. Save the Recipe and click "Scrape in Data Miner" to initiate the scraping process.

  7. Customize the number of pages to scrape, and once you're satisfied, stop the scraper and download your CSV file.

Now that you have the list of domains, you can further enrich it with various online tools to gather contact data and streamline your outreach campaigns.

With Dataminer's powerful capabilities and Crunchbase's vast database, lead scraping becomes a breeze, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: growing your business.