Home / Creating Cold Email Campaigns

How to Create Cold Email Campaign


Last updated on Jul 20, 2023

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Step 1 : Create the Campaign:

  1. Click on "Campaign" option on the Mystrika's dashboard.

  2. Click "Add new Campaign" button.

  3. Add the "Campaign Name", "Target Niche" and "Target Location" in the modal video for the campaign you are creating. If you intend to create multiple campaigns, follow a pattern that can easily recognise the campaign's intent later.

  4. If you need to take campaign data (like, reply email, clicks, open etc) out of Mystrika into a CRM system or Google sheet, you can use the optional webhooks feature. Check this video for .

  5. Click on "Save" button, and wait for page to load next screen.

Step 2 : Add the prospects / leads for the campaign

A cold campaign needs to be run on a set of prospects. Each campaign on Mystrika has it's own set of leads, and are sent emails.

Mystrika has two mandatory fields for every prospect, "fullname" and "email". If you don't have value for name (eg, if you sending email to company instead), you can keep the value for fullname as empty. Empty values are acceptable for fullname.

  1. Click on the "Leads" option on the top of page to go to Leads view of the campaign.

  2. Prospects can be created one by one using the "Lead (+)" button on via CSV file.

    • If you use the "Leads (+)" button, fill the fullname, and email fields.

      If you have want to add additional field like "company" you can add them too. These additional fields can be used as variable {{company}} in the email body or subject.

      Note : Always keep the additional column name in lowercase and without any space in column name for simplicity (and to avoid confusion later).

    • If you want to upload prospects in bulk, download the sample csv file.

      Add any optional column you might need for prospect (like, company, or company_url), and these can be used as variables like {{company}} / {{company_url) anywhere in email subject or body.

      Note : Always keep the additional column name in lowercase and without any space in column name for simplicity (and to avoid confusion later).

  3. Wait for upload of CSV to finish, it might not show immediately in the table, but it's saved in the backend.

Step 3 : Write Email Sequence

  1. Click on the "Email Sequence" tab on the top for Email Sequence view.

  2. Click on "Add Step" button to add first email.

  3. Write email subject for the current email, and fill in the email body.

  4. Use of variables is permitted (like additional columns that were uploaded in Step 2) (or predefined variables like {{fname}}, {{lname}}, {{sender}} etc) in both email subject and email body.

  5. You can do A/B test of particular email by clicking the (+) button next to Subject or Body or both, as per your choice.

  6. If you want to edit the HTML code directly for the email body, use the <> button in editor.

  7. Mystrika supports advanced "Liquid syntax", that's only provided in top tier cold email products for finer control, which is covered in separate article.

  8. You can add follow similar steps to add up to a maximum of 20 email in the email sequence in a single campaign.

Step 4 : Campaign Settings

  1. Click on "Settings" tab for campaign settings view.

  2. Select the email ids you want to send emails from.

  3. Choose the options based on your email preference.

  4. "Delivery Optimisation" switches your email to Text-Only mode instead of HTML mode, and hence does not support any kind of tracking (no open or click tracking).

  5. Choose the campaign's sending schedule (optional), if you want to send at a specific time. Ensure a gap of at-least 4 hour is provided.

  6. Use the "Save" button to save the campaign.

Step 5 : Test the email for formatting issues

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Step 6 : Activate your Campaign

To activate your email campaign, go to "Campaigns" tab, then click the "Active / Inactive" button to actually activate the campaign for sending.

Note : if you want to control email sending limit at individual sending email id level, you can do that "Home" > four dots > Campaign Config.