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Bulk import Email IDs into Mystrika


Last updated on Jul 18, 2023

Mystrika is an advanced Cold Email tool, and unlike other's actually encourage users to scale horizontally, while keeping your individual sending email ids volume low.

So, folks often need to add sending email ids (for warmup and cold email campaigns) in bulk to Mystrika.

This is done by using the Bulk Action button and CSV file.

Note : Bulk Action button is automatically enabled, after you add one email id using UI on Mystrika.

To Bulk Add Email IDs into Mystrika follow below steps :

  1. "Home" tab then go to "Bulk Actions".

  2. Click on "Bulk Load Email ID"

  3. Download the Sample CSV for Google, or Sample CSV for IMAP / SMTP based on your need.

  4. Fill up the data, and add as many rows as you need.

  5. Convert the file into a CSV format. If you are not sure, how to convert file to CSV, here is a .

  6. Upload the CSV file, and wait for processing to finish. It's important to keep your window open till processing is done.

    Mystrika automatically verifies every email address for IMAP and SMTP settings. In case of failure, it will ask you to dowload/save the failed email ids.

    Tip : We highly advise you to break your sending email ids list into chunks of CSV files, and upload them on different days or time of day. To ensure, they end up on different Mystrika servers.